1,761 research outputs found

    Políticas de derechos : aproximaciones a las políticas en materia de drogas y su relación con el sistema internacional de DDHH

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    En el presente trabajo final, las autoras presentan sus consideraciones sobre las relaciones establecidas entre las políticas púbicas en materia de drogas y el sistema internacional de los Derechos Humanos. A los fines propuestos se presentará parte de la complejidad del fenómeno de las drogas. Posteriormente se expondrán algunos aspectos esenciales en materia de Derechos Humanos. Finalmente se intentará establecer relaciones que contemplen su complejidad y los vacíos de la temática en la actualidad.Fil: Hidalgo, Ana Laura. Universidad Nacional de San LuisFil: Navarro, Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Cumplimiento del calendario de vacunación en niños de 0 a 5 años

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    Unos de los aspectos principales de prevención de la enfermedad es la inmunización (vacunas), de la que se encargan en mayor parte los centros de salud, los cuales tienen mayor cercanía con la población, debido a su relación estrecha, puesto que los trabajadores del centro de salud en especial de enfermería que cumple mayores horas laborales permitiendo conocer la situación de los pacientes que asisten al centro de salud. Entonces el objetivo fundamental de la vacunación es prevenir, controlar o erradicar enfermedades inmunoprevenibles en los primeros años de vida. La República Argentina cuenta con un calendario de vacunación muy completo. Todos los hospitales y centros de salud cuentan con este recurso, y aún así se observa que hay cierto porcentaje de niños que presentan un calendario de vacunación incompleto. En relación a las estrategias de vacunación, debe aprovecharse cualquier contacto con el sistema sanitario para conseguir la inmunización de la población, la Atención Primaria de Salud representa el nivel ideal, para fomentar la inmunización de niños y adultos. Esta tarea no solo va a depender del personal de salud, ni de los programas de inmunización, sino que también los padres tienen un rol fundamental, los cuales deben cumplir con el calendario en tiempo y forma. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre la información que poseen las madres y factores del cumplimiento del calendario de vacunación en niños de 0 a 5 años que asisten al Centro de Salud Nº 331, El Mercado, Santa Rosa, Mendoza. La población y muestra fue de 30 madres con hijos de entre 0 a 5 años que asistieron al centro de salud en el segundo semestre de 2014, las que respondieron un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas.Fil: Cortes, Daniela Desireé. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Navarro, Mirta Leonor. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    La autoridad cultural de la ciencia en tiempos pandémicos y la postnormalidad cultural en México

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    Recent national surveys in Mexico show an increase in acceptance of pseudo-scientific beliefs and practices, as well as a negative public perception of the social visibility of scientists. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a post-normal context that allows us to analyse the relevance that Mexican citizens confer upon science and scientists in times of crisis. This paper presents the results of two 2020 studies on public perception of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the role of science in fighting it, done on two very different population groups in Mexico: the rural (mostly indigenous) population and the urban population. We compare the results from these studies with other national studies on public understanding of science conducted before the pandemic. In this comparison, we use the indicators Progress, Reserves, Knowledge and Engagement, as recently proposed by Bauer et al., as a way of analysing science’s so-called cultural authority. Our study indicates that in this post-normal sociosanitary situation most citizens, as a general rule, show trust in science and recognize its social legitimacy. Finally, in light of some specific results, we argue that the cultural disparities prevalent in Mexico should be considered especially significant in trying to take advantage of science’s current social prestige in order to improve the social appropriation of scientific culture in Mexico in general, that is, beyond specific post-normal contexts.Las últimas encuestas nacionales en México han mostrado una confianza social creciente en creencias y prácticas pseudocientíficas, así como una percepción pública desfavorable sobre la visibilidad social de los científicos. La situación post-normal generada en la pandemia por COVID-19 se presenta como un escenario propicio para poner a prueba la importancia que los ciudadanos otorgan, de hecho, a la ciencia y sus profesionales en tiempos de crisis. Este artículo ofrece los resultados sobre comprensión pública de la COVID-19 y percepción social sobre el papel de la ciencia en la lucha contra la pandemia obtenidos de dos encuestas realizadas, en 2020, a dos grupos poblacionales de México: población rural, mayoritariamente indígena, y población urbana. Se comparan estos datos con los de otros estudios nacionales sobre comprensión pública de la ciencia (PUS en sus siglas en inglés) prepandémicos haciendo uso de los indicadores Progreso, Reticencias, Conocimiento y Compromiso (PREK en sus siglas en inglés), propuestos recientemente por Martin Bauer y colaboradores para valorar la llamada autoridad cultural de la ciencia. Nuestra investigación muestra la confianza y legitimidad sociales otorgadas, en general, a la ciencia en esta situación socio-sanitaria post-normal. Finalmente, a la luz de ciertos resultados, defendemos que las disparidades culturales propias de México se desvelan significativas a la hora de considerar el aprovechar tal prestigio social en el logro de un incremento de la apropiación social de cultura científica en México en general, es decir, más allá de contextos post-normales concretos

    Valoración y planeación estratégica del Hotel Pinares Plaza de Pereira

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    En este proyecto se busca realizar la valoración del Hotel Pinares Plaza, localizado en la ciudad de Pereira y fundado el 25 de marzo del 2009. El accionista mayoritario, Álvaro Ramírez, está interesado en realizar la valoración de la compañía con el fin de analizar alternativas estratégicas, como la posible venta de la participación mayoritaria del hotel a otras cadenas hoteleras existentes en el mercado sin presencia en Pereira u otros potenciales inversionistas.Planteamiento del problema. Pregunta de investigación. Justificación. Misión. Visión. Momentos Clave. Marco Teórico. Estado del Arte. Tendencias mundiales. Análisis estratégico. Variables estratégicas. Juego de actores. Desarrollo del proyecto. Supuestos de proyección. Supuestos macroeconómicos. Ingreso. Gastos Operacionales. Flujo de caja. Valoración.Administrador de EmpresasPregrad

    Lesões cervicais não cariosas, hipersensibilidade dentinária, recessão gengival e fatores de risco associados – estudo transversal

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    The loss of dental structure at the cementoenamel junction, unrelated to the presence of caries, has been identified as non-carious cervical lesions (LCNCs). It has been reported the combination of factors such as stress, biocorrosion and friction as determinants in its formation and/or progression. Taking into account the combined effects of all potential etiological factors, the pattern of lesion formation and progression may alter and culminate in different outcomes such as cervical dentin hypersensitivity (CDH), plaque acumulation, pulpal involvement, root fractures and aesthetic changes. It has also been recognized that gingival recession (GR) is often associated with cervical wear. Under these circumstances, it is noticed that the predominance of NCCLs is high and the relations between the etiological factors are still not clear. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of patients with NCCLs, CDH and GR, as well as their risk factors in a specific population. Because this was a cross-sectional study, all patients who attended the clinic of the "Ambulatory Program for Rehabilitation of Patients with Non-Carious Cervical Lesions and Dentin Hypersensitivity" from August 2013 to August 2016 were evaluated. Thus, a questionnaire was applied to 185 individuals, totalizing 5180 teeth, and then a calibrated examiner performed the clinical exams to determine the presence of NCCL, CDH and GR. NCCLs were classified according to their morphology and depth; the sensitivity levels of the teeth were evaluated through cold air stimuli, measured by the Visual Analog Scale; the GRs were categorized according to the Miller classification. The odds ratio was used as an association measure to evaluate the odds ratio and the differences between the analyzed groups and factors (p<0.05). For the correlations, Pearson and Spearman tests were used, with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that the prevalence of NCCL, CDH and GR were 88,1%, 89,1% and 59,4%, respectively. The group with more than 50 years presented the largest number of individuals with NCCL, CDH and GR. The maxillary premolars were the most affected teeth by the three conditions. The correlation between age and NCCLs, and between age and GR was positive, and there was no correlation between age and CDH. Positive correlation was found between NCCL and CDH; CDH and GR; GR and NCCL. Age, sex, oral hygiene, gastroesophageal diseases 17 and occlusal trauma were significant for all conditions. The acid diet was not statistically significant. In conclusion, greater the age, greater the possibility of more teeth affected by NCCL and GR; the formation and progression of NCCLs is associated with teeth affected by plaque accumulation, excessive force brushing, gastroesophageal diseases and occlusal trauma; NCCL, CDH and GR are positively correlated.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorDissertação (Mestrado)A perda da estrutura dentária na junção cemento-esmalte, não relacionada a presença de cárie, vem sendo identificada como lesões cervicais não cariosas (LCNCs). É relatado a combinação de fatores como tensão, biocorrosão e fricção como determinantes em seu surgimento e/ou progressão. Levando-se em conta os efeitos conjugados de todos os potenciais fatores etiológicos, o padrão de formação e progressão da lesão pode alterar e culminar em diferentes resultados, tais como hipersensibilidade dentinária (HD), acúmulo de placa, envolvimento pulpar, fraturas radiculares e alterações estéticas. Também foi reconhecido que a recessão gengival (RG) é frequentemente associada com o desgaste cervical. Diante dessas considerações, percebe-se que a predominância de LCNCs é alta e as relações entre os fatores etiológicos ainda não estão bem esclarecidos. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de pacientes com LCNCs, HD e RG, bem como seus fatores de risco em uma população específica. Por se tratar de um estudo transversal, todos os pacientes que compareceram a clínica do “Programa Ambulatorial de Reabilitação de Pacientes com Lesões Cervicais Não Cariosas e Hipersensibilidade Dentinária” do período de agosto de 2013 a agosto de 2016 foram avaliados. Sendo assim, foi aplicado um questionário para 185 indivíduos, totalizando 5180 dentes e, em seguida, um examinador calibrado realizou os exames clínicos para determinar a presença de LCNC, HD e RG. As LCNCs foram classificadas de acordo com sua morfologia e profundidade; os níveis de sensibilidade dos dentes foram avaliados através de estímulos de ar frio, medidos pela Escala Visual Analógica; as RGs foram categorizadas de acordo com a classificação de Miller. O odds ratio foi utilizado como medida de associação para avaliar a chance e as diferenças entre os grupos e fatores analisados (p<0,05). Para as correlações, foram utilizados os testes de Pearson e Spearman, com nível de confiança de 95%. Os resultados mostraram que a prevalência de LCNC, HD e RG foram de 88,1%, 89,1% e 59,4%, respectivamente. O grupo com mais de 50 anos apresentou a maior quantidade de indivíduos com LCNC, HD e RG. Os pré-molares superiores foram os dentes mais afetados para as três condições. A correlação entre idade e LCNCs, e entre idade e RG foi positiva, e não houve correlação entre 14 idade e HD. Foi encontrada correlação positiva entre LCNC e HD; HD e RG; RG e LCNC. A idade, sexo, higiene oral, doenças gastresofágicas e trauma oclusal foram significativos para todas as condições. A dieta ácida não foi estatisticamente significante. Em conclusão, quanto maior a idade, maior a possibilidade de mais dentes afetados por LCNC e RG; a formação e progressão de LCNCs está associada com dentes acometidos por acúmulo de placa, escovação com força excessiva, doenças gastresofágicas e trauma oclusal; LCNC, HD e RG estão positivamente correlacionadas

    Determination of the most relevant features to improve the performance of RF classifier in human activity recognition

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    The impact that neurodegenerative diseases have in our society, have made human activity recognition (HAR) arise as a relevant field of study. The quality of life of people with such conditions, can be significantly improved with the outcomes of the projects within this area. The application of machine learning techniques on data from low level sensors such as accelerometers is the base of HAR. To improve the performance of these classifiers, it is necessary to carry out an adequate training process. To improve the training process, an analysis of the different features used in literature to tackle these problems was performed on datasets constructed with students performing 18 different activities of daily living. The outcome of the process shows that an adequate selection of features improves the performance of Random Forest from 94.6% to 97.2%. It was also found that 78 features explain 80% of the variability

    Theoretical study of the heat pump performance for simultaneous production of space heating and domestic hot water

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    Nowadays, one of the most important challenges in the residential sector is the efficiency improvement of the equipment and systems used for space heating (SH) and domestic hot water (DHW) production. The main objective is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions in these applications. In this context, heat pumps are an effective technology as an alternative to boilers for SH and DHW production. However, the SH demand has a different temperature level than the DWH demand. Generally, the SH demand has a variable temperature level that depends on the type of distribution system (type of building) and the different climate conditions, while the DHW demand requires the storage of hot water at a temperature above 60 °C to prevent the presence of legionella. On the other hand, the performance of heat pumps deteriorates when working with high condensing temperatures. This paper presents a theoretical study of the performance of an air-to-water heat pump for simultaneous SH and DHW production, where the use of a desuperheater for DHW production and the condenser for SH production are analyzed. The study shows the optimization of the desuperheater capacity for a given SH demand. The performance of the heat pump is analyzed in terms of the COP and the capacities of the condenser and desuperheater. In addition, the heat pump performance was compared with the performance of two heat pumps (SH and DHW) for the same capacity in terms of compressor swept volume and heat exchanger sizes

    Ambivalence and innovative moments in grief psychotherapy: the cases of Emily and Rose

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    Several studies have suggested that the process of narrative change in psychotherapy occurs through the emergence and expansion of moments of novelty, known as innovative moments (IMs), that allow changes in the problematic self-narrative responsible for the client’s suffering. However, as these IMs challenge typical (and problematic) ways of acting, feeling, and thinking, they may also generate discrepancy or uncertainty. Clients may reduce uncertainty by returning to the problematic self-narrative immediately after the emergence of an IM, thus ensuring the homeostasis of the previous meaning system. This cyclical movement is a form of ambivalence, which can maintain problematic stability across therapy and lead to therapeutic failure. In this study, we identified return to the problem markers (RPMs), which are empirical indicators of the ambivalence process, for all IMs in two cases of constructivist grief psychotherapy. Both cases evidenced a high percentage of IMs with RPMs, and the evolution of IMs and RPMs along treatment was significantly correlated. We suggest that stability of the ambivalence process in grief psychotherapy may represent a form of self-protection from the anxiety or guilt of releasing pain as a disconnection from the deceased

    Finite volume modelling of an icefield with subglacial lake

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    Momentum, mass and energy balance laws provide the tools for the study of the evolution of an icefield covering a subglacial lake. The ice is described as a non-Newtonian fluid with a power-law constitutive relationship with temperature- and stress-dependent viscosity (Glen?s law) [1]. The phase transition mechanisms at the air/ice and ice/water interfaces yield moving boundary formulations, and lake hydrodynamics requires equation reduction for treating the turbulence

    Local effects of depth-dependent water content of ice and snow and firn layers temperature on a conjectured subglacial lake below Amundsenisen Icefield (Svalbard)

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    It is known that the Amundsenisen Icefield in Southern Spitzbergen (Svalbard achipelago) is temperate with an upper layer of snow and firn. It is an accumulation area and, though ice/water mass balance is clearly subject to time evolution, observation data on the long-term elevation changes over the past 40 years (Nuth et al., 2010) allow to assume constant icefield surface. Within our study of the plausibility of a subglacial lake (Glowacki et al., 2007), here, we focus on the sensitivity of the system to the thermal effect of the firn and snow layers